Formal Degree (December 2021)

M.Sc. Industrial Engineering and Management at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University.

Specialization: Financial Engineering and Risk Management.

Master's Thesis

My master’s thesis is performed at Iternio and investigates the vehicle routing problem, which is a generalization of the traveling salesman problem. The vehicle routing problem is a combinatorial optimization and integer programming problem. In my work I have developed a framework that allows one to easily change algorithms and analyze, compare and display obtained solutions. To solve the problems I use metaheuristic algorithms, such as ant colony optimization and iterative local search. Multiple versions of the E-VRP are supported, for example with time-windows and multiple depots. Further, time dependence, stochastic parameters, uncertain parameters and dynamic settings can be included. The results are displayed using an interactive dashboard. If coordinates or addresses are supplied real-world data will be used to compute fuel consumption and travel time. The exact path to be chosen can thereafter be plotted on a street map. The framework is written in python using libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Numba, SQLAlchemy and Dash.


Since software development was a very small part of my course plan I often studied courses in software development in addition to the regular courses. I have taken software courses such as

  • Software Development for Large Systems
  • Object-Oriented Modelling and Design
  • Algorithms, Data Structures and Complexity
  • Real Time Programming
  • Database Technology
  • Simulation
  • Configuration Management
  • Software Engineering - Methodology


Industrial Engineering is one of the engineering programs which requires most courses on the subject of mathematics. Additionally, my master’s was mainly composed of courses in statistics. Example of courses in mathematics that I have taken are

  • Network Dynamics
  • Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values
  • Monte Carlo and Empirical Methods for Stochastic Inference
  • Mathematical Statistics, Time Series Analysis
  • Stationary Stochastic Processes
  • Valuation of Derivative Assets
  • Analytic Functions
  • Calculus in One Variable
  • Calculus in Several Variables
  • Statistics Basic Cous
  • Linear Algebra


At the university, I have read the following courses on the topic of management

  • Management Organization
  • Managerial Economics, Basic Course
  • Managerial Economics, Advanced Course
  • Financial Management
  • Management for Sustainable Development
  • Project Management Knowledge Areas

Further, I have taken courses outside the university

  • Gå-Före! (A leadership education for young leaders)
  • Trainer school 1 (A 72-hour course given by the Swedish Handball Federation)